What happens when someone asks an Educational Psychologist to assess a young person? Why EP assessments are not just an IQ test!
Applying the psychology of education and child development to assessments of children’s learning
Promoting opportunities for Performance and Confidence Building
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Blog Post 28.02.2024
What happens when someone asks an Educational Psychologist to assess a young person? Why EP assessments are not just an IQ test!
Blog Post 11.03.2024
Days Spent Qualifying. How long did it take to become a fully qualified Educational Psychologist?
Why is it important to recognise the qualifications of an appropriately qualified and experienced psychologist, and the purpose of a protected title?
Blog Post 28.06.2024
Why is assessment a bad word?! It's not about IQ testing!
What are assessments and how are they developed? What is different from the old IQ tests? What is the purpose of doing assessments with children in school?
Blog Post 17.11.2024
Educational Psychology and young people in Home Education
Read this blog post to discover more about my work as an Educational Psychologist, home educating mum, and how Educational Psychology assessments can be of benefit to young people who are being home educated.